Human-Robot Collaboration of the Future 

Discover our groundbreaking projects in the field of collaborative robotics, designed to revolutionize the manufacturing industry. Experience the synergy of human expertise and robotic efficiency as we usher in a new era of Industry 4.0.

Welcome to our state-of-the-art collaborative robotic workspace, where cutting-edge technology meets seamless human-robot interaction. This innovative setup is designed to facilitate efficient and flexible operations, making it perfect for proof-of-concept projects and rapid deployment. 

Our workspace features two KUKA LBR iiwa robots, renowned for their precision, safety, and adaptability in collaborative environments. These robots are capable of handling a variety of tasks, from delicate manipulations to complex assembly processes. They support three different types of communication protocols—Profinet, FRI, and HTTP—ensuring robust and versatile integration with other systems and components. 

Communication with additional hardware, including four Intel RealSense cameras, a communication headset, and an interactive display, is managed through ROS2 (Robot Operating System). This middleware framework facilitates seamless data exchange and coordination across the entire setup, enabling the robots and additional hardware to work together efficiently. The use of ROS2 also allows for easy extension and integration with new hardware and software components, making our workspace an ideal platform for developing and testing new technologies with minimal effort. 

Our collaborative robotic workspace is suitable for a variety of applications, including manufacturing, research and development, and training and education. In manufacturing, the setup can streamline production processes with precise and adaptive robotic assistance. For research and development, it offers a controlled, flexible environment to test and validate new robotic algorithms and technologies. In training and education, it provides hands-on experience with advanced robotics and communication systems. The modular design and versatile communication protocols enable quick assembly and reconfiguration, making our workspace perfect for rapid prototyping and proof-of-concept projects

Experience the future of human-robot collaboration with our advanced workspace, designed to bring your innovative ideas to life quickly and efficiently. Whether you are developing new solutions or optimizing existing processes, our setup offers the perfect balance of flexibility, precision, and ease of use. 

Explore our project showcase to see the innovative solutions developed and tested in our collaborative robotic workspace. Here, you can find detailed case studies and success stories of projects that have been implemented, demonstrating the versatility and effectiveness of our setup.