HP Multi Jet Fusion 4200

Highly professional 3D print based on thermal fusing of polymer powder

3D printing technology based on thermal fusing of polymer powder.
Highly professional printer for the production of final parts and functional prototypes with fine details and high dimensional accuracy. The products have a fully homogeneous, almost isotropic structure. In their natural form, the prints have a peppery grey colour with a velvet slightly porous surface; the products can be finished by blackening.
MJF does not require any support during printing, which greatly simplifies the design, the resulting production cost and enables the printing of any geometrically and functionally complex parts.

Print materials:
HP PA12 – thermoplastic polyamide with excellent mechanical and chemical resistance, high resistance to water and UV degradation
HP TPA – thermoplastic rubber-like elastomer with a stiffness of 90 shore, suitable for applications where highly reflective, flexible, cushioning, anti-vibration and impact properties are required

Print area:
380 x 284 x 380 [mm]
(safety margin 370 x 275 x 370 [mm])

Layer thickness (z):80 μm
Print resolution (x,y):21 μm (1200 dpi)



Sample prints:

3D printer and processing station: